Keller Speaks with County Commissioners About Local Government Priorities

Harrisburg, Pa. — State Rep. Fred Keller, the Republican nominee for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 12th District special election, this morning talked with county commissioners from across Pennsylvania about his plans to help local governments as a member of Congress.

"County commissioners serve on the front lines in our communities, doing the tough work and getting things done for working families," Keller said. "The government that is closest to the people is the most efficient form of government, and I'm going to Congress to make sure that our local elected officials have all the resources they need to do their jobs effectively."

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Keller highlighted his support for expanding broadband access to rural communities across Pennsylvania's 12th District as part of a larger infrastructure plan and equipping communities with the resources they need to continue to fight the opioid crisis.

"When we talk about investing in infrastructure, we need to include expanding high-speed broadband to our rural communities," Keller said. "Our farmers, small businesses, schools, hospitals, families, and the economy as a whole will benefit if we make broadband deployment to all reaches of the 12th District a top priority, and that's exactly what I intend to do."

As a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, Keller worked in a bipartisan way to pass legislation that gives local communities the resources they need to combat opioid addiction. As a member of Congress, Keller said he would continue to ensure that local governments, law enforcement officials, educators, and health care experts are equipped to address this public health crisis.

Keller delivered his remarks at the Pennsylvania Republican Caucus of County Commissioners breakfast at the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania conference in Harrisburg.


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