Keller Releases First Radio Ads


Keller Releases First Ads of PA-12 Special Election
Highlights Blue-Collar Background and Conservative Values

Lewisburg, Pa. --  Fred Keller is releasing the first ads of the campaign for Congress in Pennsylvania's 12th District special election. The Republican nominee today announced two radio ads highlighting his blue-collar background working in a factory and conservative values as a state representative who fought tax increases and supported pro-jobs policies.

Listen to the ads here and here.

Ad 1 Transcript:

On May 21, we’ll elect a new Congressman here in the 12 th District.

And Fred Keller is uniquely prepared to represent our values in Congress.

Fred Keller grew up the hard way, working his way up from the factory floor to plant manager.

When we sent him to Harrisburg as our State Representative, Fred Keller fought for our conservative values and against higher taxes.

And Fred Keller proved every day that he’s a honest as they day is long.

Now Fred’s ready to carry our fight to Washington. He’ll work as hard as ever to promote President Trump’s agenda for more jobs and opportunities for all of us.

While the liberal Democrats are promoting the Green New Deal, Fred Keller knows there’s a better way.

It’s called The American Dream. Fred Keller will fight every day to make sure that the America that gave a poor kid like him a chance, is never a socialist country.

Please join in supporting conservative Republican Fred Keller for Congress.

Ad 2 Transcript:

When people talk about Fred Keller, you always hear the same things: Fred Keller is honest. Hardworking. Diligent. Conservative.

Fred Keller built his reputation on the values that mean the most to us.

As our State Representative Fred fought for lower taxes, more jobs, energy independence and honest government.

Now Fred Keller is running for Congress in the Special Election on May 21.

Fred Keller will take OUR values to Washington.

Fred Keller will work hard to make the American Dream a reality for all. He’ll fight against bad ideas like the Green New Deal and for President Trump’s agenda and more jobs and opportunities.

We know that Fred Keller will always tell us the truth and will stand up for us and our values every day.

On May 21, please vote for experience, integrity and OUR conservative values. Please vote for Fred Keller for Congress.

Vote FredKeller